Port regulations

CHAPTER I General regulations
CHAPTER II Notifications to the Port Authority
CHAPTER III Arrival at port and berthing of vessels
CHAPTER IV Port safety and security
CHAPTER V Unloading, loading and storage of goods
CHAPTER VI Environmental regulations
CHAPTER VII Prevention of fire
CHAPTER VIII Road and rail traffic
CHAPTER IX Procedure in the event of an accident or violation
CHAPTER X Miscellaneous regulations

Port regulations of Port of Loviisa Ltd.

Approved by the board on 6 October 2014


General regulations

Section 1 In addition to laws and statutes, and regulations based on these, the provisions provided in these port regulations must be complied with in the port area of the Port of Loviisa.

Section 2 The port area referred to in these port regulations includes the water areas of Loviisanlahti immediately affected by mercantile shipping. The southern boundary of the water area is at the northernmost left-side lateral beacon of the fairway leading to Valko, as indicated on the nautical chart. In regard to land areas, the port regulations are in effect in the functional port area, as well as in the area reserved for planned expansion on the western side of the port. The boundaries of the port area are marked on the map attached to these port regulations.

Section 3 The port is administered by Port of Loviisa Ltd. The duties of the port authorities supervising conformance with these port regulations are specified in the Ordinance of the City of Loviisa. The Port Authority is the Managing Director of Port of Loviisa Ltd.


Notifications to the Port Authority

Section 4 The operator, agent or master of a vessel arriving at the port shall submit to the Port Authority an advance notification of the arriving vessel no later than 24 hours before the vessel reaches the Port; or at the latest as the vessel leaves its previous port of call in case of a crossing that is less than 24 hours in duration; or if the next port of call is not known or has changed during the crossing, as soon as this information becomes available. The notification shall contain all information required by the Port Authority, including the security level of the vessel. No advance notification is required of a vessel in scheduled traffic unless the Port of Loviisa demands such notification separately.

Section 5 A notification of the arrival and departure of the vessel shall be submitted to the Port of Loviisa immediately after the arrival and departure of the vessel, unless otherwise agreed. This notification shall contain any information required by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (TraFi), the Port Authority and customs concerning goods unloaded and loaded and the numbers of passengers arriving and departing. The master or agent of the vessel shall similarly submit any other information required for the charging of port fees by the Port of Loviisa and for the promotion of the safety and security of the port and vessel traffic. These notifications shall also contain the ISPS security level declaration and any other information required by the ISPS Code.

Section 6 Notification of passenger vessel schedules and changes therein shall be given in good time. Operation can only start after the Port of Loviisa has approved the schedule.

Section 7 Notification of any tug, water bus, fishing trawler or other similar vessel engaged in a commercial activity and operating in or from the port shall be given to the Port of Loviisa before the initiation of such activity.

Section 8 This notification does not need to be submitted for vessels owned by the Government of Finland, unless the vessel is used for mercantile shipping. This exemption also applies to any boats used for recreational purposes. Such boats are also exempt from the advance notification requirement.

Section 9 For goods classified as dangerous, an advance notification shall be given to the Port of Loviisa 24 hours before such a consignment is brought into the port area, unless otherwise agreed. Goods classified as dangerous refers to substances specified in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). In addition, while transporting particularly dangerous goods or large quantities of dangerous goods, it is necessary to ensure in advance that the consignment may be brought into the Port area (advance enquiry).

Section 10 All notifications shall be submitted via the PortNet maritime information system.

Section 11 If the vessel is arriving from a location where a generally dangerous contagious disease is present or if a person on board the vessel has fallen ill during the crossing with a disease that is generally dangerous, suspected to be contagious or is unknown, notification of this shall be given in good time to the Port of Loviisa, and advice from the Port shall be awaited before entering the port. In case of the death of or occurrence of a serious illness in an animal on-board during the crossing, notification of this shall be given to the Port. In such cases, no animals may be unloaded from the vessel without the permission of the municipal veterinarian or another competent veterinary health authority.


Arrival at port and berthing of vessels

Section 12 The maximum speed permitted in the Port area is indicated by means of appropriate signs. The speed of the vessel shall be adjusted so that it does not cause damage, inconvenience or danger.

Section 13 The vessel shall be moored or anchored in the location indicated by the Port Authority, and it may not be moved to another location without the permission of the Port Authority. The berths are mainly allocated in the order of arrival of vessels at the port area. Exceptions may, however, be made to this rule by decision of the Port Authority or by specific agreement. The master of the vessel shall ensure that they are aware of the current water depth at the berth.

Section 14 While mooring, casting off or moving the vessel, as well as while the vessel is in the berth, necessary care shall be taken to avoid damaging the quay and any cranes or other equipment located on it. Towing assistance shall be used as necessary while mooring and casting off the vessel. The Port Authority may also order the vessel to use towing assistance.

Using the anchor at the quayside without the express permission of the Port Authority is prohibited. A sufficient number of fenders must be deployed while alongside. Gangways and accommodation ladders shall be fitted with handrails and protective netting and illuminated during the hours of darkness.

Davits, derricks, cranes, gangways and other equipment reaching beyond the vessel’s sides shall be positioned so that they do not prevent the movements of cranes on the quay nor vessel traffic on the seaward side.Before and while the vessel is moored, its drains and other outlets shall be covered to prevent water or sewage from being discharged onto the quay.

The propeller of a berthed vessel may only be run at a slow speed for testing while standing by for departure, except when otherwise agreed with the Port Authority.

Section 15 A vessel shall be moved to another berth if the Port Authority so orders. Any vessel in the port area, unless laid up, shall be adequately manned to enable the vessel to be moved if necessary.

Section 16 Tankers transporting dangerous goods and, when ordered to do so by the Port Authority, any other vessel shall after mooring pay out two towing lines for possible emergency towing, one fore and the other aft at the vessel’s seaward side with the eyelets close to the water surface.

Section 17 Mooring a laid-up vessel in the Port requires the permission of the Port Authority. The vessel shall be moored in a place and manner advised by the Port Authority. The owner or the party in possession of the vessel shall ensure the good quality and conditions of the moorings at all times. The owner or the agent of a laid-up vessel shall entrust the maintenance of the vessel to a reliable person, whose name and address shall be given to the Port Authority.


Port safety and security

Section 18 Trespassing in the port area indicated as being closed to unauthorised access by means of fencing or signs is not permitted (in a port facility as referred to in the ISPS Code). Any persons wishing to gain access to such a port area shall, on request, present an official identification card or access pass or otherwise prove their identity. Any unauthorised persons found inside the port area may be removed, if necessary with the assistance of customs, police and border guard authorities.

Section 19 It is the responsibility of everyone to submit to the Port any information that may be significant in terms of port security as well as port facility security and shipping security as specified in the ISPS Code.

Section 20 While a vessel is at the port, it shall notify the Port of any inbound and outbound traffic of persons and goods for the purposes of access control.


Unloading, loading and storage of goods

Section 21 While unloading and loading goods, care shall be taken not to damage structural parts of the quay or port equipment used in loading or unloading operations. When placing heavy cranes or vehicles on the quay, the owner or the party in possession of the crane or vehicle shall check the bearing capacity of the quay with the Port Authority and obtain the approval of the Port Authority for the placement of the crane or vehicle.

Section 22 During loading or unloading operations, goods or cargo units may not be placed in the way of port cranes, on the quay, streets, alleyways, in front of warehouse doors, on top of fire hydrants, in front of life-saving appliances or anywhere where they may obstruct traffic, except in special cases with specific permission issued by the Port Authority for each individual case.

Section 23 Any stevedore gear and machinery that is privately owned and used in the port area shall be equipped with the name or logo of their owner, and in the case of machinery also with an ID number. Stevedore gear and work machinery may not be left on the quay area after the work has been completed.

Section 24 Dangerous goods can be unloaded and loaded on condition that they, with the exception of bulk goods, are provided with appropriate labels as specified for instance in the IMDG Code or that they are packaged following a method that conforms to this Code or is otherwise appropriate. If dangerous goods are not labelled or packaged as described above, the Port Authority may forbid their unloading from the vessel or their transport by land to the port area for loading, or undertake other safety measures.

Section 25 While unloading and loading dangerous goods in bulk, the master of the vessel or the owner of the goods shall, at the request of the Port Authority, arrange sufficiently effective supervision and take other safety precautions at their own cost. The access of unauthorised persons to the unloading and loading area shall be prevented with warning notices and appropriate barriers.

While unloading and loading liquid fuels in an oil port, the Port’s own safety guidelines shall also be adhered to.

Section 26 If vermin are found in the cargo of a vessel, unloading shall cease immediately. It is the duty of the master of the vessel to report this to the Port Authority and to await their advice before continuing the unloading.

Section 27 While storing goods in the port area, the regulations and instructions issued by the Port Authority shall be adhered to. Goods may not be stored in such a way that they block road access or obstruct the use of life-saving or fire-fighting equipment. Goods that cause inconvenience or damage because of a leak, odour or any other reason shall be immediately removed from the Port area by the party in possession of the goods.

Section 28 Explosives and radioactive substances may only be stored in the port area if permitted by a law or decree or if permission to do so has been granted based on a law or decree.


Environmental regulations

Emissions into the environment

Section 29 The master of the vessel shall make sure that no substances or waste contaminating the environment are discharged from the vessel. The master shall also ensure that the vessel or operations carried out in the vessel do not cause unreasonable inconvenience to the other users of the port.

It is the duty of the master of the vessel or the party in possession of the goods to immediately notify the Port Authority if goods have fallen overboard into the water or if oil or any other pollutant has leaked in the water and to take immediate measures for their removal.

Section 30 While handling goods in the port area, the party handling the goods shall take care not to unnecessarily foul the port area and to ensure that no unnecessary noise is caused. If the handling of goods causes dust or noise that is harmful to the environment, the Port Authority may stop the handling of the goods.
Waste management

Section 31 The master of the vessel shall make sure that the guidelines of the waste management plan of the Port are complied with in the handling and sorting of waste.The parties handling goods and managing such work shall ensure that rubbish, waste, pallets and covers are taken to the appropriate locations and that any areas soiled are cleaned up.

Port environmental permits

Section 32 Enterprises and other operators operating at the Port of Loviisa shall take into account the valid environmental permits and adapt their operations to be in keeping with the relevant regulations.

Section 33 Enterprises shall allow the Port Authority to carry out inspections required by environmental permits granted for port operations in facilities, machines and equipment located in an area where the environmental permit is valid.

Section 34 Enterprises shall deliver to the Port of Loviisa, free of charge, any information required so that the Port can adhere to its permit conditions, and participate in investigations required by the permit conditions in so far as the investigations concern the operations of the enterprise in question in the port area.

Section 35 Enterprises operating at the port shall follow any separate regulations issued on the basis of the terms and conditions of valid environmental permits.


Prevention of fire

Section 36 If the cargo of a vessel includes flammable goods, the making of open fire, repair work producing sparks, and smoking are prohibited on open decks of the vessel as well as in the vicinity of the vessel, both on the quay and seaward side.

Tankers shall be earthed immediately after mooring by means of an earthing cable. This earthing may only be disconnected as the vessel leaves the port. The ventilation of such tanks on board the vessel where flammable substances have been carried is prohibited without the permission of the Port Authority.

At quays and storage areas for inflammable liquids, the making of open fires and smoking outdoors is prohibited. This prohibition also applies to the seaside area within a 50 m radius of the storage areas, quays and vessels. There are separate regulations for other instances of making fires in the port area.

Section 37 Any marked fire alleyways in the warehouses and storage areas in the port area as well as routes to fire hydrants, fire wells and fire extinguishing pipes shall be kept clear for traffic at all times. The fire-fighting and life-saving equipment, automatic fire detection and life-saving appliances, and automatic fire detection and extinguishing devices shall be kept in good order at all times, and portable fire extinguishers shall be easily accessible.

Section 38 To the best of their ability, the crews of vessels at the port shall take part in the rescue operations and in the removing of vessels from locations at risk according to the instructions of authorities.


Road and rail traffic

Section 39 Trains, passenger passageways or cranes moving on rails, and any other stock on rails shall have the right of way over any other vehicles. The driver of a vehicle stopped or parked on crane rails or railways is prohibited from leaving the vicinity of the vehicle.

Section 40 The maximum speed limit for vehicles, parking areas and any other traffic arrangements are indicated by traffic control equipment.

Section 41 There are separate regulations for driving a motor vehicle on ice-covered water areas.


Procedure in the event of an accident or violation

Section 42 If a vessel or a boat has run aground, become submerged or sunk in the port area, its owner or the party in possession of it shall remove it as soon as possible. If the sunken vessel or other object in the water causes danger or an obstruction to traffic, its owner or the party in possession of it shall mark it with warning signs. If they neglect to do so, the Port Authority will take care of its marking at the expense of the owner or the possessor.

Section 43 If the quay or other piece of port equipment is damaged by a user of the port, this damage shall be reported to the Port without delay. The Port Authority shall assess the magnitude of the damage. The party causing the damage or their agent have the right to participate in the assessment of the damage.

Section 44 If a vessel, a boat or any goods are placed in the port area without permission or in a manner that is in violation of the port regulations or obstructs traffic, and the master, haulier, owner or possessor neglects to have them removed, they can be removed by the Port at the cost of the relevant party.

Section 45 If goods, machinery or vehicles are placed in the land area of the port against the orders of the Port Authority and the master, haulier, owner or possessor neglects to have them removed, they can be removed by the Port Authority at the cost of the relevant party.


Miscellaneous regulations

Section 46 Boats used for recreational purposes shall avoid moving in the port area unnecessarily and always give right of way to commercial vessels. Such boats may not be moored in berths designed for loading or unloading of vessels, on beacons or other navigation markers or elsewhere where they may obstruct traffic.

Section 47 No objects obstructing traffic may be placed in the port area without the permission of the Port Authority. Disruptive fishing in a fairway, from a bridge, in the harbour basin, on the quay or other similar location is prohibited. Swimming in the harbour basin and in the fairways is prohibited. Opening a fairway outside the public navigation fairway is only allowed with the permission of the Port Authority.

Section 48 Filming and photography in the port area and water area of ​​Port of Loviisa requires a permit. The permit must be applied for from the Port of Loviisa.

Section 49 For any violations of these port regulations and orders issued by the Port Authority based on these, unless the violation is minor and no specific penalty is imposed for it in the laws and statutes in force, a fine may be imposed, in addition to which the perpetrator shall, in accordance with the law, be liable to indemnify the Port or other party for the damages and costs caused by them.